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v1.0 - Game starts, bot doesn't do anything?
02-13-2022, 02:03 PM,
Post: #1
v1.0 - Game starts, bot doesn't do anything?
I followed all the instructions in the word doc. I'm at 1080 res, I have the mod installed. I run the mh during load and it injects successfully. I see the mod on the load screen. I load the bot, it creates the game, lands in A5 and then does absolutely nothing.
My inv is set up, I'm fully loaded with health pots. I'm running a hdin. All of my hotkeys are mapped.
02-13-2022, 08:10 PM,
Post: #2
RE: v1.0 - Game starts, bot doesn't do anything?
check pc resolution also make sure 1920 x 1080

scale setting to 100%

ask for group chat invite to talk to t0m, 1 of our revamped devs will get it fixed for you. it also does include a read me file to check
02-18-2022, 03:58 PM,
Post: #3
RE: v1.0 - Game starts, bot doesn't do anything?
Hey, thanks for the reply. How do I ask for a group chat invite? My scaling is at 100% and I'm at 1920x1080 (nativ res is 1440p). It's clicking the right buttons to create a hell game, it just doesn't do anything after joining it.
02-20-2022, 09:44 PM,
Post: #4
RE: v1.0 - Game starts, bot doesn't do anything?
Sounds like your gamma settings are set incorrectly please add QuantumAnnealing#5850 on discord to get an invite to our developer group chat so we can resolve this properly.

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