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D2R Bots always updated

Jieguan D2R Bots Baal Runs

D2R Bots Fully Featured

Try D2R Bot for full afk automation

more than 30 bosses & dungeons

customize style of farming

Enhanced security always up to date

customizable pickit with auto item listing to marketplaces

Easy VIsual Setup No Coding Required

Security Consistent

Security always updated

Choose Auto Relogging

Skip Monsters if Immune or TeleStomp with Mercenary

Jieguan d2r bots logo

The Latest D2R Bot to Take Over the Botting Scene

Utilize Bot Timer with configuration interface

API once available gives ability for custom scripts

Auto stash function

auto Identify items and vendor interaction

Customizable farming routines

Acts 1-5 All Included

Clears all enemies on path to Bosses

Automate Questing when applicable

Farm any areas chests with Chest Farming

Choose custom Class Spells Configuration

Farm Bosses in Public or Private Games

All In One D2R Bots

D2R Bots with auto muling functionality

Auto Healing Self & Merc

Packet Casting and afk automation done safely

We stay on top of any tripwire ban traps so no discarded memory call functions are to cause any security issues, with all botting it is suggested for single player use for online play is the users choice.

Easy D2R MapHack Setup

Windows OS Compatible

D2R Botting for AFK Usage

D2R Bots Always Updated

Around the Clock Support

D2R Bots Discussion Forums

Advanced D2R Bots and Pro Tools

Auto traveling d2r packet casting hotkeys

D2R Bots fully customizable

Consistent updates every tuesday as needed for warden security for d2r botting functions

Zhipei d2r bots logo

D2R Bots & Pro Tools provide more than a map revealing HUD with security

D2R Pro Tool Features

D2R MH Features: auto travel, auto heal, chicken & more from our d2r bots pro tools

tele pickit item grabber

Auto travel to waypoints, bosses & poi

Always updated for each patch to ensure safety

Auto self heal & Mercenary with chicken settings
D2R Bots ready for use with the latest in security to automated marketplace listings
zhipei usage gif
Zhipei D2R Bots Map reveal

Hands off Automation for enhance gameplay whether afk or manual gaming

D2R Bots ready to use after setup

D2R Bots always updated and always secure

D2R Tele Pickit: NEver miss

D2R PickIt teleports to items instantly

D2R PickIt Item grab functionality to always grab items set in your loot filter

Jieguan D2R Bots Teleport Pickit